
written by john lewis

Sport Category Archive

Photo finish

Standard for me, I’m going to miss the Olympics. I love all the big events. Endless games or races to watch at all hours of the day and the Beeb probably do the best coverage online in the world.

My favourite moment from Sochi has to be the race that led to this photo finish:


The guy in red on the right is what you’re typically going to look like crossing the finish line. The three guys on the left look rather different, from superman on top to the attempt at splits on the bottom.

If you can, watch the BBC version. Their commentators are hilarious.

If that doesn’t work, maybe try this post at Mashable, video at the bottom.

The ski and snowboard cross were awesome events. Couldn’t get enough, especially with the BBC commentators. Those two were insanely great, even if they did draw in the odd complaint (or 300).

Ah well, not long now until the World Cup.

Posted in: Sport