
written by john lewis

Web 2.0 presso breaks the 100k mark

About two years ago, Intergen, gave me an opportunity to create a Web 2.0 focused presentation:

I presented it in Auckland, Wellington, & Christchurch as part of Intergen’s Twilight seminars as well as a Brightstar conference in Auckland. It was a lot of fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I uploaded the slides to Slideshare to create an easy way to share them around. I noticed after a few weeks it was getting a consistent amount of views – something that has continued for 2 years now having just now recorded it’s 100,000th view!

I think it’s probably the most popular piece of media I’ve personally produced. Next goal: 1,000,000!

Posted in: Presentations, Web, Work


There are 2 responses to Web 2.0 presso breaks the 100k mark

John-Daniel Trask
Thursday, 5th March 2009 7:05 pm

Is it more popular than vodka shots though? ;-)

– JD

Friday, 6th March 2009 2:54 am

Ooh, good question. I haven’t been keeping tabs on that for a while…



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