Day 1: Building hits tram
Day 2: Car hits tram
Day 3: ???
Best comment gets a Ponoko spinning top!
Update: All aboard the failtram
Update #2: UR STILL DOIN IT WRONG (thanks to Bwooce)
Day 3 (or 4): Bus hits tram
written by john lewis
Day 1: Building hits tram
Day 2: Car hits tram
Day 3: ???
Best comment gets a Ponoko spinning top!
Update: All aboard the failtram
Update #2: UR STILL DOIN IT WRONG (thanks to Bwooce)
Day 3 (or 4): Bus hits tram
Posted in: Life
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There are 6 responses to Oh garden city, how I love thee (sometimes)
Tuesday, 15th April 2008 6:29 pm
Tram hits petrol price!
Tuesday, 15th April 2008 8:02 pm
Day 4: Profit!
(sorry guys)
Wednesday, 16th April 2008 9:45 am
Martial Law Next Step To Stop Rampant Inbreeding in Canterbury – NZ PM
Wednesday, 16th April 2008 10:47 am
3. Person hits tram. OR
3. Godzilla stomps on train while evading Mothra.
Wednesday, 16th April 2008 11:42 am
Tour Tram Bumps Off City Sites
Friday, 18th April 2008 4:51 pm
I don’t think anyone was close…
3. Bus, tram collide