
written by john lewis

Change your feed!

I have been neglecting my blog lately, and there really isn’t any excuse. Maybe we needed a little space from each other for a while…

Well, hopefully, that time is over and I’ve got back around to thinking of things to post about. Not that my lack of posts seems to have affected my visitor numbers or Technorati ranking… odd.

Last month I took the time to upgrade from Movable Type to WordPress (I was probably the last person in Wellington still using MT…). So far I’m reasonably impressed but I still feel like Movable Type is a more polished product. Anyway, I need you to please update your feed reeders to my new RSS feed:

If you’re subscribed to any of my older feeds, this is the last post you’ll receive. C’mon, you know you want to update it right now :)


Posted in: Life


There are 6 responses to Change your feed!

Byrne Reese
Saturday, 14th July 2007 6:30 pm

I am curious if had a chance to evaluate the Movable Type 4.0 Beta product, or if your decision to move to WordPress was a result of your experience with the Beta. If you like polish then I think you would like MT4 – although its a double edged sword as MT4 is still a beta and rough around the edges (as it is a *real* beta). But that is why you feedback is so important, because your feedback can have a real and tangible effect on the final product.

Regardless, as the Product Manager for MT I am devoted to making it the best blogging product out there. Any feedback you can provide via email, a comment, or a blog post would be sincerely appreciated.

Friday, 20th July 2007 3:16 pm

Cool. I’ve been thinking about doing the same thing (MT to WP), mainly due to extremely slow commenting on MT. Plus would be nice to build a fresh thing & WordPress is pretty *clean*.

I’ve been trying to find out if WP will let you have categories (post types eg blog post, mobile post, event post etc) as well as tags. As in two dimensions. You can do this on MT as you will know, but I’m not sure if its possible on WordPress?

Any advice you might have would be much appreciated :)

Saturday, 21st July 2007 2:12 pm

Hi Bryne, thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog. No I haven’t had the chance to evaluate the MT 4.0 beta so my decision to move to WP wasn’t a result of that.

I moved to WP for a few reasons which I’m happy to share. But firstly, I’m definitely not married to it so I will definitely take a closer look to MT 4.0 now that you’ve challenged me on it :)

One of the first reasons was my peer group here in Wellington. They are ALL on WP so moving to WP means I not only fit in with my peers, I have that support network to draw on if I run into any trouble :)

WP is also pushed by many bloggers, when they post lists like the “Top 30 WordPress plugins”. Seeing the functionality in these plugins and knowing exactly where to find them was a big factor. I didn’t need to search for them, they were right there. I’m sure all the plugins I’ve made use of are available in MT in one way or another and I’m sure there are Top 30 MT plugin lists on many blogs out there – but it was the fact that WP found me first

WP’s open source model was one factor but not one that means a great deal to me.

Thanks again for commenting, good luck with your 4.0 release. I will definitely be keeping my eye on it! :)

Saturday, 21st July 2007 2:17 pm

Hi Rebecca! WordPress is pretty clean but if you’re like me and you really like MT then you might find WP a little annoying in places. And it basically comes down to what I mentioned in the post, MT feels like a more polished product.

This is where I started in migrating to WP:

There are some good lists and instructions on everything you need to do to migrate… makes the process a lot easier.

WP definitely lets you have post categories and utilise tags. The plugin you want is this one:

Developed by a gal here in Welly I think. Good luck with the move!

Byrne Reese
Saturday, 21st July 2007 2:22 pm

Well, I am not a “Welly”, but consider me a resource if you ever have any questions or need any help. I would be happy to do anything to keep you a happy MT user.

As for open source – we know it is important to some, which is one of the reasons why MT4 will be licensed under the GPL. Checkout

It really is the dawn of a new era for MT4 and blogging – just check out a lot of the great features and announcements at!

Monday, 23rd July 2007 10:35 pm


Thanks for the links, I will check those out. Think it’ll be a while before I have time to do a proper rebuild, sticking with the progressive enhancement approach (yep hand coding things into the template files) until then :)



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