
written by john lewis

8 x 5

This session saw 8 speakers with 5 mins each, the highlights:

Philip from Shift: Rapidly prototype with Flash. Its easier, and more agile than in HTML.

Rachel from Heliocell: .NET *can* be used successfully for standards based apps. Communication is key.

Michael from Ruby on Rails core team: Full stack, convention over configuration. Happier developers

Robin from Acease: all of the info for all of the people all of the time.

Mark from Cool idea, check it out.

Steve from Abstract Engineerng: Centruflow – visualisation of team structure.

Theresa from Focus (Melbourne): Excellent speaker. Good design is elegant problem solving.

Sideshow Bob from Provoke: The times on the web are a changin;

Posted in: Webstock06



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